Digger Dog

Digger, Ms. Maria and Atlanta Gas Light visited Parkway Elementary School!

Digger, Ms. Maria and Atlanta Gas Light visited Parkway Elementary School!

The afternoon of Nov. 21, 2024, the Digger Dog Utility Safety Showd Atlanta Gas Light an presented to the 2nd grade students at Parkway Elementary School in Evans, GA.  Digger Dog and Ms. Maria explained why they should always, “Play it Safe Around all Utilities”.  They went over all the underground utilities and showed them the different flag and paint colors for each utility; Red-Electricity, Yellow-Natural Gas, Blue-Water, Green-Sewer, Orange-Telecommunications (Phone, Cable TV or Internet) and White-the area their parents need to mark where they will dig.  They told them their parents should always “Contact 811 Before they Dig” to prevent damage and for their safety.  They showed the students what happens if a natural gas pipeline is hit and what it sounds like when the natural gas comes out of the ground.  They told the students that natural gas doesn’t have a smell, so the natural gas companies put a chemical into the gas called mercaptan which smells like a rotten egg.  Ms. Maria demonstrated to the students using Power Town demonstrating why they should not play around overhead power lines or pad mount transformers.  She demonstrated to the students what they should do if a power line comes down on top of a school bus or car; cross their arms, keep their legs together and bunny hop away from the school bus or car.

Atlanta Gas Light’s Brad Edge demonstrated to the 2nd grade students how the locate technicians locate the underground utilities.

Digger with Atlanta Gas Light’s Will Vautrin, Brad Edge and Mark Sosebee with a few 2nd grade students.